Residents, families and workers in aged care face ongoing psychological trauma, Royal Commission told

Aged care staff on the frontline of the COVID-19 crisis, residents, and their families are facing a massive emotional toll in the face of insufficient numbers of qualified nurses and carers, staff cuts and lack of personal protective equipment supplies, the Royal Commission heard this week. Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) Federal Secretary Annie […]
Non-profit age care providers fail to account for billions of federal government funding, report shows

Some of the largest non-profit residential aged care operators in Australia have failed to account for billions of dollars in federal government funding, according to a new report from the Centre for International Corporate Tax Accountability & Research (CICTAR), released yesterday. The report, Caring for Growth, Australia’s largest non-profit aged care providers, demonstrated that the […]
Why I articulated from an EN to RN

It seemed only natural that Lyndel Echter would become a nurse. Her mother is a nurse. Her older sister and two aunties are nurses. And her younger sister is on the cusp of graduating with a Bachelor of Nursing later this year. “We lovingly call it the curse of the nurse,” she jokes. “We’re predisposed […]