5 tips to a good clinical handover

5 tips to a good clinical handover
Tips for time management in acute care

Tips for time management in acute care
10 time management tips for nurses and midwives

For the novice nurse or midwife time management may seem an elusive skill. Even those with years of experience and adept at managing their time have bad days. Being realistic about what you can achieve in a shift is a start. Here are 10 top tips to help with time management. Arrive early Even giving […]
A nurse’s journey back to study

Perioperative nurse Karen Neaton contemplated returning to study for several years but always found the prospect ‘too daunting’. Once her children finished school and moved out of the family home, she decided it was finally time to take the plunge and pursue further education. The last time she had undertaken study was in 1991 when […]
Just breathe

When four call bells are ringing, IV antibiotics need to be administered stat while another patient urgently needs their catheter emptied – it can all get too much. Stress levels rise causing you to get flustered, which does nothing to help manage your patient load. So what can you do instantly to take control? Simply Breath! According to […]
Not enough time

The feeling of ‘not enough time’ to achieve what is needed in a day can overwhelm the best of us. The stress of which not only affects the time poor nurse or midwife, but their colleagues and patients as well. When it becomes too hard, and too much how do we minimise the effects of […]
Selfcare on shift

A ‘Rest, Rehydrate, Refuel’ campaign aimed at nurses has been launched by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) in the United Kingdom. The 3Rs initiative highlights the importance of nurses looking after themselves while on shift and how dehydration can affect concentration and cognitive function. The campaign emphasises that breaks are not a luxury but […]
Not enough time

The feeling of ‘not enough time’ to achieve what is needed in a day can overwhelm the best of us. The stress of which not only affects the time poor nurse or midwife, but their colleagues and patients as well. When it becomes too hard, and too much how do we minimise the effects of […]