Advertising blitz to boost primary healthcare workforce welcomed

The ANMF has welcomed the first ever Australian government advertising campaign to showcase the diverse and rewarding careers available in primary healthcare which launched today. The new national campaign will be delivered via television, social media, digital video and ‘out-of-home’ ads like billboards around TAFEs, universities and hospitals. The campaign highlights promotes nursing, midwifery and […]
Escape Room training challenges nursing students to think on their feet

“It’s all a bit of a mystery, and that’s the challenge,” explains University of South Australia (UniSA) nursing lecturer Dr Michelle Freeling, of the immersive escape room experience designed to help postgraduate perioperative nurses sharpen their skills. An escape room typically involves a group of people being locked in a room and having to solve […]
Rural, regional and remote scholarships for NSW nursing students and new graduates now open

NSW nursing students and new graduates living in or looking to work in rural, regional and remote areas are encouraged to apply for new scholarships announced today. Nine types of scholarships are now open in the first round of the NSW Rural and Regional Health Career Scholarships Program for 2025, which supports students of nursing, […]
Funding extended to support more nursing students with clinical placements in aged care

The federal government is investing an extra $18.4 million to support more nursing students to experience high-quality clinical placements in aged care. The renewed funding for the successful Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placements Program will enable up to 8,000 more nursing students to develop practical skills in the care of older people under the guidance […]
Mental health recovery camp: A student consumer partnership

The first of its kind in Australia and the world, mental health recovery camps for undergraduate nurses have received awards since their inception in 2012. Natalie Dragon talks with co-founder Professor Lorna Moxham on the growing success and why the program should be funded nationally. “It’s a clinical placement, but it’s also a psychosocial intervention […]
Student spotlight – Tallulah

Tallulah McCarthy-Huxley is a third-year Bachelor of Midwifery student at Griffith University. 1 What inspired you to choose a career in nursing/midwifery? From a young age, I was deeply passionate about healthy and sustainable ways of living. I always envisioned a career in healthcare, but I felt that my holistic beliefs didn’t align with the […]
Financial and emotional strain of placement poverty: research

A new study has captured the financial and emotional strain of unpaid, mandatory placements on health and education students. The University of Wollongong (UOW) research provides a scaffold for how tertiary students could be better supported to complete mandatory professional placements during their degree. Greater access to scholarships, grants to undertake placements, subsidised transport and […]
Fee-free TAFE to help fix skills shortages in nursing and aged care

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) has issued a media release welcoming the Albanese Government’s commitment to expanding fee-free TAFE courses. ANMF Federal Secretary Annie Butler said enduring funding for free TAFE study would help address skills shortages in the nursing and aged care workforces and save students thousands of dollars a year in […]
‘It’s humbling’: Nursing lecturer helps guide next generation

“As nurses, from our graduate year onwards, we are teachers,” says La Trobe University nursing lecturer Niki Lillibridge. “We teach our own as soon as we become professionals.” So, after working in nursing education and critical care for over 15 years, its little wonder she transitioned into academia, where she now plays a pivotal role […]
ANMF advocates for paid clinical placements for all nursing and midwifery students

The ANMF has called for the immediate and universal rollout of the Commonwealth’s ‘Prac Payment’ for nursing and midwifery students at a Senate inquiry.