Advertising blitz to boost primary healthcare workforce welcomed  

The ANMF has welcomed the first ever Australian government advertising campaign to showcase the diverse and rewarding careers available in primary healthcare which launched today. The new national campaign will be delivered via television, social media, digital video and ‘out-of-home’ ads like billboards around TAFEs, universities and hospitals. The campaign highlights promotes nursing, midwifery and […]

Calling all primary healthcare nurses and midwives: Complete APNA’s 2024 Workforce Survey today

For over 15 years, the Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association’s annual Workforce Survey has provided a comprehensive snapshot of the working conditions and professional concerns faced by primary healthcare nurses and midwives working across the country. It remains the only national survey focused on the nearly 100,000 nurses and midwives working outside of hospitals […]

Primary health care nurses campaign to work to full scope of practice

Primary health care nurses are calling on policymakers to better utilise nurses in the sector by enabling them to work to their full scope of practice. On today’s inaugural Primary Health Care Nurses Day, established to highlight the pivotal work nurses carry out across the sector, Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA) leaders, including […]

One in four primary healthcare nurses considering leaving the sector

Three-quarter of nurses working in primary healthcare (PHC) feel stressed and burnt out at work, while one in four nurses are contemplating leaving their job within the next two to five years, a new survey has revealed. Results of the Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Associations’ (APNA) 2022 Workforce Survey, which heard from 4,000 nurses, […]