Why are we still reluctant to talk about end of life care?
Quality end–of–life care (EOLC) and decision making has been prominent in the literature over recent years with EOLC having a significant bearing on the process of dying and effect upon family and significant others during this time (Raijmakers, 2013, Caswell et al. 2015). The call has been to move beyond a ‘death denying culture’ but […]
Hospital safety under the spotlight
New evidence showing wide variation in complication rates across Australian hospitals has called for a collective lift in safety performance and informing patients about the best and worst performing hospitals so they can make decisions about where they are treated. The Grattan Institute report – All complications should count: Using our data to make hospitals […]
Digital assets on death and disability poses a problem
Most Australians are unprepared for death and disability when it comes to their digital assets, a study from the Adelaide University and the Charles Sturt University has found. The study showed Australians have multiple digital assets, which includes anything that can be accessed and held online in digital form. Social media, iTune accounts, banking and […]