A nurse’s perspective living and working through a pandemic
Queensland based nurse Beatrix Todd has been working in Victoria to support nurses, healthcare staff and patients during the state’s second wave of COVID-19. In a candid account during her quarantine, Beatrix reflects on the pandemic and her experiences. So many questions; why? Why? WHY? As far as the COVID pandemic my cousin sums it […]
Personal reflection on conducting nursing research in a regional emergency department
One of the initial challenges I faced with undertaking a Nursing with Honours degree was conducting scholarly research within my own workplace. I was confronted with, and surprisingly conflicted by, the anthropological concepts of Emic and Etic perspective. The thesis concept itself had its genesis in numerous Emic observations; defined as studying a culture from […]
Blowing the whistle
What drives nurses and midwives to turn whistleblower and report wrongdoing outside their organisation? What ramifications surface personally and professionally in the aftermath? Robert Fedele investigates. “If you’ve got a gut feeling that something is wrong it probably is wrong,” says Toni Hoff man, perhaps Australia’s best-known nurse whistleblower. “Even if it takes a bit […]