PBS-listed medicines to cost no more than $25 a script

A re-elected Albanese Government will further reduce the cost of PBS-listed medicines, ensuring that Australians pay no more than $25 a script. Announced today, the $689 million cost-of-living measure, which will be part of Labor’s budget next week, would see four out of five PBS-listed medicines become cheaper, starting from January 2026. Pensioners and concession […]

Morning coffee better than all-day drinking  

Morning-only coffee drinkers can take heart. Research shows consumption first thing is better for your health and mortality than all-day drinking. People who drink coffee in the morning have a lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease and a lower overall mortality risk compared to all-day coffee drinkers, according to the international research. “Given the […]

Australians fare well in health report card despite ongoing COVID impact

Australians’ overall health continues to fare well when compared with similar countries despite significant impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing burden of chronic conditions. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare’s (AIHW) biennial flagship report card of Australians’ health was launched this week by Federal Minister for Health and Aged Care Mark Butler. The […]

Federal Budget 2024: ANMF welcomes funding for health and aged care

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) has welcomed the Albanese Government’s $8.5 billion in last night’s 2024-25 Budget for health, including $2.8 billion to strengthen Medicare and $2.2 billion for aged care to continue implementation of the Royal Commission’s recommendations. Key Budget wins include new Medicare rebates for midwives to provide longer consultations before […]

6 ways to rejuvenate after a rough shift

It’s been a shocker of a shift. Right now you just want to go home, slip under your doona and shut out the world. But what are some perhaps more helpful ways to deal with the impact of a rough shift? Here are six tips to rejuvenate your mind and body and enable you to […]