Study: What would help retention of early career nurses in regional and rural areas?

What would help improve the job satisfaction and retention of early career nurses working across regional and rural Australia? It’s a question often contemplated by Heidi Rose, a clinical nurse based at Mount Gambier, and University of South Australia academics Dr Gemma Skaczkowski and Associate Professor Kate Gunn. So, they asked them. The study aimed […]
Fears COVID interruptions could alienate students and grads from the workforce

Fears COVID interruptions could alienate students and grads from the workforce
5 ways to deal with workplace conflict

5 ways to deal with workplace conflict
Managing challenging behaviours
The stressful nature of a healthcare environment can result in difficult behaviours and may lead to workplace conflict. By approaching challenging behaviours in the workplace with some tools, as well as a positive attitude and assertiveness you can reduce the risk of conflict occurring. Nurse & Midwife Support Stakeholder Engagement Officer Mark Aitken says when […]
What is a preceptor?

Transitioning from education into the workplace can leave many new graduate nurses feeling overwhelmed, unsupported and full of doubt. One strategy to help counter the culture shock and retain graduate nurses in the workforce is preceptorship. A nurse preceptor is an experienced and competent nurse formally assigned to guide the professional journey of a student, […]
Five tips on finding your nursing speciality

There may come a point in a nurse’s career when it’s time to specialise. But with multiple specialities to choose from, how do you find one that’s right for you? Why specialise Specialising in a field of nursing can create numerous professional opportunities resulting in greater work satisfaction. Benefits include: Yet discovering your passion for […]
Grads mental health in jeopardy

The delay in securing employment for new grads in Victoria is having a serious impact on their mental wellbeing which is costing the state up to $100 million per year. The staggering statistics were released in a report by VicHealth and Lateral Economics today (Wednesday 3 October). The average graduate now takes 2.6 years to […]
Navigating early career nursing

There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach when it comes to graduate nurse programs. So what is the best way to ensure early career nurses negotiate their graduate year with confidence? Jessica Gadd reports it’s by implementing a well-designed graduate program and offering a supportive environment. There is no preparing for your first experience of the death […]
Work environment impacts job performance

On-the-job training and performance is significantly impacted by the work environment in hospitals, research shows. Charles Sturt University research analysed work environment, attitude towards organisational change, training effectiveness, organisation citizenship behaviour, non-mandatory training and intention to quit and how these influenced nurses’ job performance. The study involved 486 participants from public hospitals in the ACT, […]
Not enough time

The feeling of ‘not enough time’ to achieve what is needed in a day can overwhelm the best of us. The stress of which not only affects the time poor nurse or midwife, but their colleagues and patients as well. When it becomes too hard, and too much how do we minimise the effects of […]