Karen Booth appointed Australian Digital Health Agency’s first Chief Clinical Adviser (Nursing)
The Australian Digital Health Agency has appointed Karen Booth, President of the Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA), as its inaugural Chief Clinical Adviser (Nursing). Ms Booth, a highly respected and experienced nurse with a background in primary care, preventative care, clinical government and leadership, said she was honoured and excited to join the […]
The Evitable Conflict: ANMF’s Submission to the Select Committee on Adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) recently made a submission to the Australian Government’s Senate Select Committee on Adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI). The Committee sought evidence on opportunities and impacts for Australia arising out of the uptake of AI technologies. This included consideration of recent national and international trends and opportunities, potential benefits and […]
Discover the Future of Nursing and Midwifery: A Digital Health Revolution
Welcome to the ANMF Podcast, produced in collaboration with the Australian Digital Health Agency. This podcast episode is a must-listen for all healthcare professionals.
The cyber security impacts of Artificial Intelligence in nursing and midwifery
As Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools become more widespread, particularly in sectors such as healthcare, the importance of cyber security protection measures will become even more paramount. To help clinicians understand and adapt to the changing landscape, the ANMF and Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) are running a webinar later this month looking at what AI […]
The Break Glass function in My Health Record: when and how to use it
There are certain urgent situations where health professionals can legally access restricted information in a My Health Record to lessen or prevent a serious threat to a person’s health. This is known as Emergency Access or the break glass function. While it is expected that it will be rarely required, it is important to understand […]
Greater evidence reduces reliability of ChatGPT when used for health questions, study finds
Asking a health-related question to ChatGPT? Well, you might be at risk, after a new study found that the more evidence the Artificial Intelligence (AI) platform is given, the less reliable it becomes, with the accuracy of its responses plunging to as low as 28%. Scientists from CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, and the University […]
CSIRO reports surge in AI in healthcare
A surge in the amount of digital data in the health sector, together with increases in compute power and the availability of new artificial intelligence (AI) tools are leading to an explosion of AI being used in healthcare, according to a new report from CSIRO. Australia’s national science agency CSIRO AI Trends for Healthcare report […]
National Digital Health Strategy set to empower Australians
Governments have ticked off a 5-year plan aiming to empower Australians to manage and improve their personal health and wellbeing through advances in digital technology. Launched today, Australia’s National Digital Health Strategy 2023 – 2028 and accompanying Strategy Delivery Roadmap present a path towards an inclusive, sustainable and healthier future for all Australians. The digital health strategy is striving […]
How nurses and midwives are embracing digital health technologies to support patient care
How nurses and midwives are embracing digital health technologies to support patient care
The National Nursing and Midwifery Digital Health Capability Framework: What it is and how to use it
Where are you at with digital capability? The Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) and the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) are promoting a suite of resources to help you in using the National Nursing and Midwifery Digital Health Framework to assess your level of digital capability in your individual practice. Here’s what you need […]