Keeping the person’s best interests in mind
A fundamental right of patients in healthcare is the right to consent and to refuse treatment. When the patient lacks legal capacity to make decisions, it is common practice for a legally appointed substitute decision-maker to decide on their behalf. However, determining what is in that person’s best interests can be difficult when family hold […]
Nurse practitioners excluded from contributing to COVID-19 vaccination rollout

Nurse practitioners excluded from contributing to COVID-19 vaccination rollout
Too-great expectations: How Australia’s aged care COVID-19 vaccination rollout fell short

In February, when the Morrison government unveiled Australia’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout plan, aged care workers, along with frontline healthcare workers and quarantine and border workers, were included in the highest priority group, phase 1a, and assured they would get vaccinated at their workplaces within the next six weeks. Instead, two months on, fewer than 10% […]
SNAPSHOT: COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness, efficacy, and safety

There has been much talk and advice about COVID-19 vaccines, but what is it that we really need to know? The following information demystifies the facts. Key messages The AstraZeneca vaccine is listed by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) as safe, effective, and efficacious for protecting people aged 18 years and older against the […]
Grants open to help young carers cover education expenses amid COVID-19

Carers Australia, the national peak body representing Australia’s carers, has launched a record round of grants to help young carers cover their educational expenses amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2022 Young Carer Bursary Program supports young carers by providing financial assistance to return to, or continue, their education while keeping up their caring responsibilities. Funded […]
ICN calls on G7 leaders to put nurses at the heart of a new pandemic treaty after WHO confirms 115,000 health and care workers have died from COVID-19

The International Council of Nurses (ICN) has called on G7 leaders to prepare and action a global pandemic treaty that focuses on strengthening health systems and prioritising the protection and safety of nurses and healthcare workers. ICN’s demand for swift action from the leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) major advanced nations, which include […]
Update: Fit testing and checking PPE for COVID-19 care

Fit testing and checking PPE is evidence-based best practice for protecting the health and safety of staff, patients, and the wider community in the context of caring for people with suspected or confirmed COVID-19. Key points Introduction While Australia is faring extremely well regarding the global COVID-19 pandemic, frontline health care staff are still facing […]
Update: AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine – blood clots with low platelet counts

Update: AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine – blood clots with low platelet counts
Work health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic

Work health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19 vaccines: contraindications and precautionary advice

Safety and reactogenicity of COVID-19 vaccines