Advertising blitz to boost primary healthcare workforce welcomed

The ANMF has welcomed the first ever Australian government advertising campaign to showcase the diverse and rewarding careers available in primary healthcare which launched today. The new national campaign will be delivered via television, social media, digital video and ‘out-of-home’ ads like billboards around TAFEs, universities and hospitals. The campaign highlights promotes nursing, midwifery and […]
Hundreds of private sector Victorian nurses and midwives stop work

Hundreds of St Vincent’s Private Hospitals’ nurses and midwives have walked out of their workplaces as part of an escalation of their unprecedented protected industrial action campaign for mandated nurse/midwife patient ratios and competitive wages and conditions with their public colleagues. “Hundreds of St Vincent’s Private Hospitals nurses and midwives have courageously taken this unprecedented […]
Australian women work for free until end of 2024

Today marks the start of the period when Australian women effectively turn up at their jobs and work for ‘free’ for the rest of the year because of the gender pay gap. According to latest figures, on average, Australian women are working for free for 42 days. This equates to the average gap between male […]
Thousands of NSW nurses and midwives strike for better pay

More than 12,000 NSW nurses and midwives took industrial action yesterday in their fight for a 15% pay raise. The 24-hour strike action was bigger than the last one held in late September with rallies held around the state after failed negotiations between the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) and the state Labor Minns […]
NSW nurses and midwives call a second 24-hour strike

NSW public sector nurses and midwives will go on strike for 24 hours next week, after talks between the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) and the state government failed to reach an outcome on wages. The second 24-hour strike will start on the morning shift on Wednesday 13 November, the NSWNMA has confirmed. NSW […]
The mighty ANMF turns 100: Tears, pride, joy

Tears of joy together with feelings of pride, camaraderie and nostalgia were on display amongst nursing and midwifery stalwarts at the official launch of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) 100-year documentary in Sydney last week. Almost like a family reunion, the guest list boasted long-time nurse and midwife ANMF members from around the […]
The value of the union workplace rep

ANMF Tasmanian Branch member Monica Werner has been a member of the union since she started nursing in 1981. She talks with the ANMJ about the role of the workplace delegate and the value of unions in not just the work setting but the broader community. Q: How did you get involved in being a […]
Queensland’s historic 10 days paid reproductive health leave takes effect

Queensland public sector nurses and midwives are now able to access 10 days paid reproductive leave, with the state setting the bar for the rest of the country to follow. Announced on Labour Day in May, the historic access to 10 days per annum (non-cumulative) paid reproductive health leave came into effect on Monday. More than […]
Independent expert midwife to lead Tasmanian maternity services investigation

The Tasmanian Government has announced the appointment of an independent expert to lead the rapid independent investigation into maternity services at the Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH). Midwife, nurse and health consultant Amanda Singleton has extensive experience, including in the governance and management of maternity services in both rural and metropolitan settings. She also has regulatory […]
Rollout of nurse and midwife to patient ratios in Western Australia welcomed by ANF

After years of campaigning for safe staffing levels, nurse-to-patient ratios will be rolled out across Western Australia in October. WA’s North Metropolitan Health Service (NMHS) will begin implementing nurse and midwife to patient ratios across its general medical and general surgical wards. This first phase of the staged implementation will commence at the NMHS at […]