New Nurse Practitioner Workforce Plan set to ease demands on health and aged care

A Nurse Practitioner Workforce Plan (Plan), which aims to expand the services of highly-trained Nurse Practitioners (NPs), will help address increasing demands for health and aged care and chronic workforce shortages across the country. The Plan, Supported by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation, builds on a number of reforms for NPs announced in the […]

Clinical placements need rethink to optimise student learning, study finds

Nursing students rate spending time with patients, performing assessments and observing nurses as they work the most beneficial to their learning while on clinical placement, a new Australian study has found. Commitments that take them away from the patient, such as tutorials and meetings, were less valued. The study, commissioned by the Council of Deans […]

Federal Budget offers pathway for better care delivery

The Federal Budget handed down last night provides a pathway for nurses and midwives to deliver better healthcare across communities, according to the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF). The ANMF has welcomed the Albanese Government’s review of the scope of practice of healthcare professionals, including nurses and midwives, along with other key investments as […]

Digital health project to ease burden on hospitals, GP clinics

A new project is aiming to build a “digital health workforce” of nurses, doctors and allied health to better target the needs of people living with chronic diseases in low socioeconomic neighbourhoods by making virtual care and telemonitoring more efficient.  Led by Flinders University, the $1.1 million ‘safe@home’ hopes that providing affordable and effective primary […]

Funding bid for nursing and midwifery research program ahead of May Budget

The Australasian Nursing and Midwifery Clinical Trials Network (ANMCTN) has put in a bid for federal government funding in the 2023-24 Budget to build and expand nursing and midwifery led clinical research. Importantly, the funding bid will facilitate growth of the ANMCTN’s recently developed mentoring program aimed at building early and mid-career nurse and midwife […]

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