6 tips to reduce psychological risks at work
New national Work Health and Safety Regulations aim to strengthen and clarify how to manage psychological health risks in the workplace. While these regulations prescribe how employers should identify psychosocial hazards and manage risk, everyone has a role to play in creating and maintaining a safe and healthy psychological workplace. “A mentally healthy workplace is […]
‘People are crumbling’: Nurse speaks out at price gouging inquiry
‘People are crumbling’: Nurse speaks out at price gouging inquiry
Nurses, midwives and personal care workers say Yes to the Voice
Nurses, midwives and personal care workers say Yes to the Voice
Clinical trial set to change kidney transplant practice
A simple change in practice for deceased donor kidney transplants could reduce the need for dialysis in transplant recipients by 25%. A major clinical trial has found the change in intravenous fluid therapy with balanced crystalloid solution could deliver real benefits for kidney transplant recipients. The BEST-Fluids trial was conducted by the Australasian Kidney Trials […]
Health workers to study wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families
A landmark research project will place health workers in Indigenous communities across Queensland to study the long-term wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families. Researchers from the University of Queensland and Mater Research Institute will identify 400 Indigenous families during pregnancy, and monitor the health and wellbeing of participating mothers, fathers and babies over […]
Pilot program helps midwives return to clinical practice
A new pilot re-entry program is helping qualified midwives in South Australia who have not worked clinically for a while refresh their skills and knowledge so they can re-join the workforce The RESET-M program, established by Flinders University, Northern Adelaide Local Health Network (NALHN), and Your Nursing Agency (YNA), is aiming to counter declining midwifery […]
Nursing Peaks Coalition backs “Yes” vote in landmark Voice to Parliament Referendum
Nursing Peaks Coalition has thrown its support behind the “Yes” vote for the upcoming Referendum on the Voice to Parliament. The nursing coalition’s decision comes as a unified stance to advocate for a crucial element of the Uluru Statement from the Heart. In a joint statement released today, the Nursing Peaks highlighted the importance of […]
Check in with yourself on R U OK Day: National Nurse and Midwife Health Service
“It’s ok not to be ok,” says Deputy Director of Australia’s new national health and wellbeing service for nurses, midwives and students, which will launch in early 2024. Nurses, midwives and students across the country are being encouraged to check in with themselves and look out for their colleagues on today’s R U OK? Day. […]
It takes courage to seek help: Director of Australia’s new nurse and midwife health service
“There’s a myth that nurses and midwives somehow have to be some extraordinary kind of human being who don’t go through the range of experiences that we all do as human beings.” “That myth has not assisted the nursing and midwifery professions to recognise their own need for care and to take the time out […]
Have your say on scope of practice review
The federal government is seeking submissions for its independent workforce review examining the barriers and incentives Australia’s health practitioners face working to their full scope of practice in primary care. Launched last month, the Unleashing the Potential of our Heath Workforce Review, a recommendation of the Strengthening Medicare Taskforce, wants to hear what key stakeholders […]