Improve deep sleep to stave off dementia

As little as 1% reduction in deep sleep per year for people over 60 years of age translates into a 27% increased risk of dementia, new research shows. Enhancing or maintaining deep sleep, also known as slow wave sleep, in older years could stave off dementia, suggest Monash University researchers. Slow-wave sleep is the third […]

How many days a week do you need to exercise to see real benefits?

Edith Cowan University researchers may have unlocked a question many of us have pondered – how often do you actually need to exercise each week to see real benefits? The new study saw participants perform a single three-second, maximum-effort eccentric bicep contraction — similar to slowly lowering a heavy dumbbell, from a bent arm to […]

Registered nurses encouraged to take advantage of free ‘Every Nurse’s Business’ CPD program

The ‘Every Nurse’s Business’ free CPD program, developed to build registered nurses’ capacity to provide quality care for people with intellectual disability (ID) and/or autism (ASD), was recently extended until June 2024. RN’s nationwide who have not yet accessed the three available levels of training are being encouraged to take advantage of the educational opportunity […]

Hospital admissions for injuries linked to extreme weather on the rise

The number of hospital admissions for injuries associated with extreme weather – such as heatwaves, bushfires and storms – has increased over the past decade, according to a new report by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW). The report, Let’s talk about the weather: injuries related to extreme weather, reveals that in the […]

Understanding enrolled nurse pre-registration nursing students

Now more than ever, we need to change the way we think about career trajectories and progression via higher education to cater for diversity within nursing student populations. As the healthcare sector continues to feel the pressure of workforce shortages, and universities widen participation, energy and focus must be directed at how we are best […]

How good leadership can impact healthcare

Creating better leaders is the linchpin to happier people, better organisations and societies, according to Simon Sinek, world-renowned speaker, author, ethnographer and founder of the Optimism Company in the US. Speaking to over 1,000 nurses at the recent International Council of Nurses Congress, Montreal, Canada, Sinek emphasised that nowhere was good leadership more essential than […]

Tika Tirka: home away from home for First Nations students

A unique housing initiative in South Australia is helping remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to study higher education in the city and forge career pathways. Tika Tirka is an accommodation service in the heart of the Adelaide CBD, enabling post-secondary students from remote and regional locations to undertake further education and training. “It’s […]

Tasmanian nurses and midwives secure historic wage increase

Tasmanian nurses and midwives working across the public sector have accepted a historic wage increase, the highest secured in more than a decade, after striking a deal with the state government earlier this week. The wage increase, which will bring nurses and midwives in line with, or even above the national average, comprises average pay […]