Calling all Australian midwives to undertake digital health survey

What digital tools do you use in your midwifery practice? Is access to digital health data helpful to women’s care? The Australian College of Midwives is undertaking a digital health landscape analysis of midwifery in Australia. In consultation with the Australian Digital health Agency, and practicing midwives, the survey is aimed to understand how midwives […]

Deep dive into aged care digital transformation

A recent webinar took a deep dive into how the aged care sector is faring in digital transformation – the challenges and enablers, including investment, digital maturity and capabilities, cybersecurity and workforce. Here are some insights from four leading experts. Hosted by Australian Ageing Agenda, the 90-minute webinar covered much ground, including the Aged Care […]

Continuous IV antibiotic infusion more effective at combatting adult sepsis

Changing the way commonly used antibiotics are given to adult patients with sepsis will save thousands of lives a year globally, according to research by the University of Queensland and The George Institute for Global Health A clinical trial and systematic review have shown that intravenously administering commonly used β-lactam antibiotics via continuous infusion – […]

New clinical care standard for heavy menstrual bleeding

Assistant Federal Health Minister Ged Kearney has urged women with heavy menstrual periods to seek help with a new menstrual bleeding clinical care standard released to support greater treatment options for women. “Heavy periods can seriously impact a woman’s quality of life. I know, I have had very personal experience of this, along with one […]

One in four eligible mothers not taking up paid parental leave

About one in four eligible mothers, and over half of eligible fathers, were accessing government-funded paid parental leave prior to reforms to the program being introduced last year, according to a new report by the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS). The report linked 2021 Census data with Australian Tax Office data to examine the […]

Tasmania to introduce tougher penalties for people who assault frontline workers

People who cause serious bodily harm to Tasmania’s frontline workers will face six months’ jail time, with the state government introducing legislation into Parliament this week to provide better protections. The Sentencing Amendment (Presumptive Sentencing for Assaults on Frontline Workers) Bill 2024 seeks to amend the Sentencing Act 1997 to set a presumption of minimum […]

Is your health service male friendly? Men’s Health Week 2024

How well does your health service engage men? Take a short questionnaire to audit how male-friendly your service is, for Men’s Health Week 2024. International Men’s Health Week runs from 10-16 June and is an opportunity to highlight the importance of men’s health, and to promote the health of men and boys. Men’s Health Week […]