Survey of continence care for health professionals

The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care wants to learn about your experiences with professional training services/continence initiatives delivered under the National Continence Program.

Sharing your views with the Continence Policy and Research Project will help the Government gain valuable data on the cost, demographics, and impacts of incontinence in Australia, so that it can evaluate the availability and effectiveness of current training opportunities, identify areas for improvement, and set future policy direction.

The Continence Foundation of Australia is the national peak body responsible for promoting bladder and bowel control health. It receives funding from the Government to deliver services through the National Continence Program including ‘National Public Toilet Map’, an online resource that helps individuals find public and accessible toilets, and the National Continence Helpline, which offers confidential advice, support, and information for continence concerns.

The Department says the survey will help researchers gain valuable feedback from health professionals and personal care workers who provide continence care and, ultimately, lead to enhanced workforce education that improves continence care.

The survey will take about 15 minutes, with all responses kept strictly anonymous and confidential.

Complete the survey online by 21 May here

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