Research study: The impact of COVID-19 on healthcare professionals

A CQUniversity research team is calling on all healthcare professionals, as well as assistants in nursing/personal care workers, to participate in a research study by completing a survey on their experiences of COVID-19 and the impact on the delivery of quality care.

The researchers are interested in understanding the nature of the interpersonal and social interactions that occurred within the work environment and how this impacted on delivery of quality care during COVID-19.

The voluntary survey takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. Responses will highlight areas that need to be strengthened within the psychosocial work environment and identify areas of focus for effective leadership to support healthcare professionals and staff, and enhance their capacity to deliver quality care during times of crisis.

The study has received Human Research Ethics Committee Approval (approval number 22584).

To have your say and contribute to this important research, please click here

One Response

  1. This is the appreciated able work. In this way, we can find a suitable vaccine, cure, and treatment quality.
    The deliberate overview requires around 15-20 minutes to finish. Reactions will feature regions that should be reinforced inside the psychosocial workplace and distinguish zones of the centre for the exciting initiative to help medical care experts and staff and upgrade their ability to convey quality consideration during emergency situations.
    it would help us ….

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