New members appointed to National Aged Care Advisory Council

ANMF Federal Secretary Annie Butler Photo: Chris Hopkins

The federal government has appointed new members to the National Aged Care Advisory Council.

Established in response to recommendation seven of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, the Council provides expert advice to government on key matters related to the aged care sector including implementation of aged care reforms, and building the capability of providers and workforce to meet changing requirements under the reforms.

Nine members return to the Council, and nine new members, including Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) Federal Secretary Annie Butler, have been appointed, starting this month.

New members include:

  • Annie Butler, Federal Secretary of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Association
  • Lloyd Williams, National Secretary of the Health Services Union
  • Carolyn Smith, Aged Care Director of the United Workers Union
  • Pat Sparrow, CEO of COTA Australia
  • Tom Symondson, CEO of Aged Care and Community Providers Association
  • Carlo Carli, Chair of the Federation of Ethnic Communities Council of Australia
  • Jenny Dodd, CEO of TAFE Directors Australia
  • Simon Miller, CEO of Anglicare
  • Cathy Thomas, Group Executive of Aged Care and Community Services, BlueCare

Returning members are:

  • Andrea Coote (Chair)
  • Anne Burgess AM
  • Craig Gear
  • Maree McCabe AM
  • Mike Baird AO
  • Rachel Argaman OAM
  • Jody Currie
  • Dr Sandra Iuliano
  • Associate Professor Michael Murray AM

“A refreshed membership for the National Aged Care Advisory Council will mean we receive the best advice from the sector as we enter the next phase of reforming aged care,” Aged Care Minister Anika Wells said.

“The National Aged Care Advisory Council is one of the ways I can be confident I’m hearing from a wide range of sector representatives as we reform aged care, and making changes that are fit for purpose.”

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