Have your say on the aged care wage increase

Aged care

The Department of Health and Aged Care has launched a survey to examine the impact of the government’s recent wage increase for aged care workers on the workforce and broader sector.

The survey seeks to gather valuable insights into the real-world implications of the pay rises, bringing to light both the positive outcomes and potential challenges experienced by those working in aged care.

To help deliver fairer wages to the aged care workforce, the government invested $11.3 billion, including a 15% pay increase for aged care workers, backing a decision handed down by the Fair Work Commission as part of the ANMF-led Aged Care Work Value case.

The survey is aimed at aged care service providers, aged care workers and peak organisations.

The Department is aiming to better understand:

  • Workforce attraction – are people more likely to consider a job in aged care?
  • Workforce retention – was the wage increase an incentive for you to stay working in aged care?
  • Workforce value – do you feel more value and reward for the work you do?

The survey is open until 8 December 2023.

Take the Aged Care Wage Increase Satisfaction Survey now.

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