Funding extended to support more nursing students with clinical placements in aged care

APNA Clinical Nurse Facilitator Kath, left, supports student Brett, right, caring for a resident. Photo: APNA

The renewed funding for the successful Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placements Program will enable up to 8,000 more nursing students to develop practical skills in the care of older people under the guidance of trained clinical nurse facilitators and with access to tailored online resources.

The program gives student nurses the opportunity to learn how rewarding a career in aged care can be, with the aim of increasing the future supply of skilled and dedicated nurses in the sector.

The program, open to Bachelor of Nursing and Master of Nursing students, is also now available to Diploma of Nursing students for the first time. During 2023-24, it supported more than 2,000 students to better understand and address the unique needs of older people living in aged care.

“Skilled nurses play an integral role in aged care, helping keep residents safe while reducing medical emergencies through early intervention,” Aged Care Minister Anika Well said.

“Our continued support of this program demonstrates the Australian Government’s commitment to attracting nurses to aged care and building a skilled and supported workforce to meet the needs and rights of older people.”

Among the five organisations tasked with delivering the program, the Australian Primary Healthcare Nurses Association (APNA), who will receive an extra $5.1 million in funding, says feedback from students who participated in just one aged care placement indicated they are 63% more likely to consider a career in aged care.

“Students who have taken part in the program tell us how it changed their perception of nursing in aged care and see it as a valuable career opportunity,” APNA’s President, Karen Booth, said.

“They are given hands-on opportunities to develop their clinical skills, as well as engage with residents and contribute to their wellbeing, something they tell us is both educational and rewarding.”

Under the program extension, placements will also be available for Diploma of Nursing students studying to become enrolled nurses.

“Enrolled nurses play a vital role in aged care, and being able to give them the opportunity to complete placements with APNA will go a long way to supporting the workforce.”

Find out more about the Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placements Program here

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