Experiencing hearing loss or tinnitus following acute COVID-19 infection? Researchers want to hear from you

While causes remain largely unknown, so too does the impact that hearing disturbances may be having on people’s personal, professional and social lives.

To fill the gaps in this area, researchers from the Rosemary Bryant AO Research Centre (RBRC) at the University of South Australia (UniSA) are conducting a study to explore and understand the experiences of those with COVID-related hearing loss and tinnitus to, ultimately, better inform health professionals about the link so they can improve clinical care.

“The aim of this research is to describe the experiences of people with COVID-19 related hearing loss and tinnitus and use this to spread awareness among the general public and medical communities and to inform practitioners on how to manage patients with SSNHL following COVID-19 infection or vaccination,” researchers told the ANMJ.

Researchers are now seeking people who have experienced any sort of hearing disturbance (such as hearing loss, tinnitus, or noise sensitivity) during or after COVID-19 illness to take part in the study, which involves completing a 15-20 minute survey about symptoms, experiences with treatment and healthcare, and its broader impacts.

To take part, access the online survey here

For more details on the project, visit here

“The findings of this research will support the basis of literature being established around this topic and inform health clinical strategies for managing patients who present with SSNHL following a COVID-19 infection,” researchers say.

“The benefits for participants are contributing to literature about a health issue concerning them. Additionally, participants will be able to discuss their experiences and have their voices heard, which some may find therapeutic.”

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