The move, made possible by changes to the Health and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (No.2) 2023, will establish a ratio of one midwife to every six patients, and importantly will count babies as a separate patient when they are staying in the same hospital room as their birth parent.
According to QNMU Secretary Kate Veach, under existing federal law, Queensland babies have not been counted as additional patients alongside their mother, nor included in midwives’ workloads. It’s the same story across all other states and territories.
The Queensland Government’s decision to ‘Count the Babies’ now sets the standard for midwifery ratios across the country, she said.
Ensuring each baby is counted as an additional patient alongside the mother is an Australian first,” Ms Veach said.
“Once the legislation is passed, Queensland Health will lead the way in the provision of safe, public postnatal maternity care in Australia.”
The legislative change follows years of campaigning by the QNMU and its members for mandated midwifery ratios to keep mums, bubs, and midwives safe. A recent QNMU ‘Count the Babies’ audit of a number of public inpatient maternity wards found midwives were routinely being allocated up to 20 women and babies at a time.
QNMU member and midwife, Ashleigh Sullivan, said Queensland Health midwives have continued to work hard, often under extreme duress, to keep those in their care safe. Now, the nation-leading midwifery ratios will enable midwives to provide best quality care that will improve outcomes for women and babies. It will also help attract skilled midwives to the state.
“At the moment, midwives are overloaded, with many experiencing burnout and being forced to leave the public system and the jobs they love,” Ashleigh said.