Q&A with medicinal cannabis advocate Lucy Haslam
Retired nurse Lucy Haslam became a fierce campaigner for medicinal cannabis during her son Dan’s battle with terminal cancer after witnessing the relief it gave him. She spearheaded the United in Compassion (UIC) Medicinal Cannabis Symposium in 2014 and continues to advocate for greater access to medicinal cannabis in Australia. What continues to drive your […]
Shaping the future of aged care: Nursing students gain new perspective through clinical placements program
Nursing student Marcus Goh says his understanding and appreciation of the residential aged care sector improved significantly as part of the federal government-funded Aged Care Nursing Clinical Placements Program. Launched mid-2023, the national program has provided thousands of Bachelor of Nursing students with high-quality placements in aged care by giving them the opportunity to work […]
Grad Spotlight – Alex
Alex White is a graduate registered nurse at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne 1 What inspired you to pursue a career in nursing? My passion for helping people in their time of need inspired me to start nursing. It is incredibly rewarding to work in a nursing team where we all strive together to achieve the […]
‘No longer a death sentence’: Meet Liz Crock, HIV Nurse Practitioner and NP of the Year
Three decades since the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Australia, Nurse Practitioner Liz Crock is as passionate as ever about improving access to effective treatment and reducing stigma.
Nurse-led clinics are a valuable service that should be promoted, finds study
Advanced practice nurses running nurse-led clinics across Australia need greater support from all levels to overcome barriers such as overwhelming workloads, new research has revealed. Published in the latest edition of the Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing (AJAN), the study explored the experiences and perceptions of 10 advanced practice nurses who have established and run […]
Nurses needed for study on what deprescribing recommendations should look like
Internationally, there has been an increase in the prevalence of potentially inappropriate medicines (PIMs) where the risks may outweigh the benefits. This rise is partly due to healthcare professionals’ adherence to clinical practice guidelines, which typically recommend prescribing medications for treating and managing diseases. Deprescribing involves systematically reducing or discontinuing PIMs under the supervision of […]
The support I needed: How CRANAplus’ Bush Support Line is helping the remote health workforce thrive
When remote area nurse (RAN) Kellie Kerin was struggling at work, she turned to CRANAplus’ Bush Support Line for help. She credits the free and confidential 24/7 telephone support service, which gives all remote health workers, including nurses and midwives and their families, access to a psychologist experienced in the sector, with “saving” her life. […]
Update: Aged Care Work Value Case decision for RNs and ENs
The ANMF’s landmark Aged Care Work Value Case before the Fair Work Commission (FWC) is nearing its completion.
Voices of hope: How the RMH Scrub Choir became a lifeline during COVID-19 and beyond
The Royal Melbourne Hospital’s Scrub Choir went viral during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic with their poignant renditions of classics like “I’ll Stand by You”. A few years later, they continue to inspire. The choir grew serendipitously from an internal bid to boost wellbeing and solidarity as the pandemic began to take hold in […]
Collaborative arrangements abolished, enabling NPs and endorsed midwives to work to full scope
Nurse Practitioners and Endorsed Midwives will finally be able to work to their full scope of practice following the removal of restrictive ‘collaborative arrangements’.