Financial and emotional strain of placement poverty: research

A new study has captured the financial and emotional strain of unpaid, mandatory placements on health and education students. The University of Wollongong (UOW) research provides a scaffold for how tertiary students could be better supported to complete mandatory professional placements during their degree. Greater access to scholarships, grants to undertake placements, subsidised transport and […]

Morning coffee better than all-day drinking  

Morning-only coffee drinkers can take heart. Research shows consumption first thing is better for your health and mortality than all-day drinking. People who drink coffee in the morning have a lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease and a lower overall mortality risk compared to all-day coffee drinkers, according to the international research. “Given the […]

Hot tips to stay safe in summer sun: Queensland pathologist

While social media platforms share a dangerous trend of people deliberately burning their skin into tan lines, a Queensland pathologist and researcher is spreading the message of sun safety this summer. Australian deaths from non-melanoma skin cancers have almost doubled in 20 years, shows recent research from the University of the Sunshine Coast. The research […]

Mapping the carbon footprint of a patient undergoing cardiac care     

New analysis on the environmental impact of two common heart procedures shows it is possible to make quality clinical choices whilst also considering the carbon footprint of care.  Healthcare is a leading contributor to the world’s carbon footprint – research shows the industry accounts for 7% of carbon emissions.  University of Sydney researchers, including a […]

Electric scooter warning ahead of holiday season 

Queensland’s paediatric trauma service team is urging caution with electric scooters this holiday season following a spike in serious injuries and fatalities this year.  An e-scooter city-hire scheme was introduced in Brisbane in November 2018. At Queensland Children’s Hospital, between 2019- 2023, 40 children were admitted following an e-scooter incident, with this rising to 11 […]

Assessing what makes a reasonable decision with AI    

With the increasing impact of artificial intelligence (AI), researchers are exploring the role of technology in clinical decision-making and explanations in healthcare. “Clinicians must calibrate their judgement against a whole constellation of other factors, even if they are using an AI tool that is well validated and highly accurate,” said Dr Ian Stedman, a lawyer […]

Wages, career progression, working to scope and sleep: Most read topics in 2024 

It’s been an exciting time for nursing and midwifery in 2024.    There’s been some big announcements regarding advancements for the nursing and midwifery professions. And we’ve covered it all – the big, the small and everything in-between. Before we head into 2025, we thought we’d recap the top 10 most read ANMJ online stories […]

Overweight overtakes tobacco as highest risk factor for disease  

Living with overweight or obesity has overtaken tobacco smoking as the leading risk factor contributing to disease in 2024. Over one-third of the total burden of disease and injury in Australia in 2024 could have been avoided or reduced due to modifiable risk factors, according to the  Australian Burden of Disease Study 2024. The study, […]

Last call: nominate for HESTA nursing and midwifery awards

Employers, colleagues, patients, family and friends have until this Sunday to nominate an exceptional nurse, midwife or healthcare organisation for the 2025 HESTA Australian Nursing & Midwifery Awards. Now in its 18th year, the awards honour the vital contributions made by Australia’s nurses, midwives, nurse educators, researchers, and personal care workers, who improve health outcomes for […]

First report on health effects of methane pollution 

Australia’s first report on the health effects of methane pollution has been launched, with a clarion call for addressing the health impacts of coal and gas methane emissions.  The report, compiled by not-for-profit organisation Healthy Futures, highlights the role of methane in causing and exacerbating climate change.  Beyond the immediate climate impact, reducing methane emissions […]