Nurse Practitioners: Barriers to practice

Jo Perks was one of the first nurse practitioners in Australia, gaining authorisation over a decade ago in 2005. Despite being authorised for many years Jo still experiences barriers in providing optimal care to her patients due to restrictions imposed on her practice. Having worked at Leichhardt Women’s Community Health Centre in Sydney with patients […]
Are women the new face of homelessness?

When now retired nurse Chiew Ung Tan (CU) moved from Singapore to Melbourne in 2003 to work at a large private hospital, she was unprepared for how difficult it would be to find a home. CU had lived and worked in Sydney and Melbourne for 10 years as a graduate nurse in the 1980s but […]
Working in refugee health

Newly arrived refugees and asylum seekers receive most of their direct healthcare from nurses, so it makes sense that we have an organisation representing nurses working in refugee health. Sandy Eagar, the national chair of Refugee Nurses of Australia says the organisation was founded in 2016 to bring refugee nurses together and provide a forum […]
Former ANMF Secretary takes her place in Parliament

The ANMF has welcomed the election of a nurse to the federal Parliament in the Batman by-election earlier this year. Nurse and former ANMF Federal Secretary Ged Kearney has made history by winning the federal seat of Batman in Melbourne’s inner northern suburbs and becoming the first nurse in the House of Representatives. Two nurses, […]
Building resilience in health providers working remote

A nation-wide support service for remote area health workers is the ‘best job in the world’ according to senior clinical psychologist Dr Annmaree Wilson. Dr Wilson heads up a team of 11 psychologists, including two Aboriginal psychologists, as part of the CRANAplus Bush Support Service 1800 support line. Dr Wilson and her team are focussed […]