100 Years Strong: The Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation celebrates

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) proudly marks its 100th year, celebrating a century of remarkable achievements and the strength of its members. Our story is one of purpose and passion, people and power. It’s a story of fighting for workers and their rights, and of protecting and promoting our members, our professions, and […]

New technology aims to enable needle-free insulin delivery

An international team, led by researchers from Australia, have developed a system using nanotechnology that could allow people with diabetes to take oral insulin in the future, offering a more effective and needle-free alternative. The researchers say the new insulin could be eaten by taking a tablet or even embedded within a piece of chocolate. […]

‘Count Us In’: National Summit demands action for millions of ‘forgotten’ Australians living with neurological conditions

“There are millions of people, millions, living in Australia with neurological conditions. We need more thought, more organisation and more energy put into this particular sector of people,” says acclaimed comedian and disability advocate, Tim Ferguson, who lives with multiple sclerosis (MS). “We have to get all of our politicians, all of our decision-makers, to […]

Australian women drinking at dangerous levels, study finds

A worrying number of Australian women are drinking at dangerous levels despite understanding that it is likely to be causing them harm, Flinders University researchers have warned. The study found over 300,000 Australian women are regularly drinking at very high-risk levels (11 or more standard drinks in one sitting at least once per month), also […]

One in four eligible mothers not taking up paid parental leave

About one in four eligible mothers, and over half of eligible fathers, were accessing government-funded paid parental leave prior to reforms to the program being introduced last year, according to a new report by the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS). The report linked 2021 Census data with Australian Tax Office data to examine the […]

Australians living longer but in need of more support, study finds

Australians are living longer but their impact on the healthcare industry is increasing, according to new research by the University of Adelaide. The study, led by Dr Liliana G. Ciobanu, and Head of the Psychiatry Discipline Associate Professor Scott R. Clark, was conducted by GBD Australia collaborators and examined Global Burden of Disease statistics from […]

Tasmania to introduce tougher penalties for people who assault frontline workers

People who cause serious bodily harm to Tasmania’s frontline workers will face six months’ jail time, with the state government introducing legislation into Parliament this week to provide better protections. The Sentencing Amendment (Presumptive Sentencing for Assaults on Frontline Workers) Bill 2024 seeks to amend the Sentencing Act 1997 to set a presumption of minimum […]

Insufficient strategies to tackle 50% increase in ED violence

Aggression and violence against frontline workers in hospital emergency departments (EDs) is on the rise with current strategies to manage the issue perceived as insufficient. In-hospital assaults in Australia have increased by 60% in Victoria, 48% in Queensland, and 44% in New South Wales from 2015 to 2018, according to new research from Edith Cowan […]