Nurses and midwives highlight challenges in using electronic medical records (EMRs)

Health services should prioritise gaining a deeper understanding of the experiences of nurses and midwives in using electronic medical records (EMRs). By doing so, they can develop user-friendly systems which reduce stress and burnout and enhance clinical and safety outcomes, new research has found. The study, published in the September–November 2024 issue of the Australian […]

‘More bags of IV fluid’: Government injects $20 million to shore up local supply

The federal government will invest $20 million to help Australia’s only local manufacturer of IV fluids expand its operations to shore up the country’s supply of the critical hospital medicine. Since 2023, Australia, along with hospitals worldwide, has experienced a shortage of intravenous (IV) fluids due to increased demand, manufacturing issues, and global supply chain […]

Government invests $28 million to build new nurses and midwives academy at Epworth Hospital

The Albanese Government will invest $28 million to build a new ‘world-class’ nurses and midwives academy facility at Epworth Hospital in Melbourne. Established in 2023, the Epworth’s Brookes Academy provides innovative clinical education and training pathways to Epworth nurses and midwives aimed at advancing their skills and practice. About 800 staff have already undertaken training […]

Hundreds of thousands of workers secure permanent jobs thanks to IR reforms

Two hundred and thirty thousand workers are now in permanent jobs thanks to the Albanese Government’s Closing Loopholes IR reforms, according to a new report released by the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) today. The report reveals 9 in 10 of all new jobs created during this government’s term have been permanent, reducing the […]

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurses experience harmful racism in workplaces

Racism is a persistent and damaging issue that negatively affects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurses’ careers, physical and mental health, and overall well-being. Despite being widespread and persistent in healthcare and in nursing, little research attention and wider acknowledgement has been focussed on this damaging and hateful phenomenon that is driving First Nations nurses […]

Victoria improves nurse and midwife to patient ratios 

Victoria’s landmark nurse and midwife-to-patient ratios are set to be expanded. Health Minister Mary-Anne Thomas introduced amendments to the Safe Patient Care (Nurse to Patient and Midwife to Patient Ratios) Act into parliament earlier this week, paving the way for the improvements. If passed, the new ratios will deliver: Nurse to patient and midwife to […]