New shoulder injury repair technique improves outcomes

A new technique for repairing rotator cuff injuries is delivering better outcomes for people with shoulder pain. University of Adelaide researchers say about 10,000 repairs to the rotator cuff – the group of muscles and tendons that connect the upper arm bone to the shoulder, allowing movement and stabilisation – are completed in Australia each […]

Registered nurse prescribing – how is it working in other countries?

Overall, nurse prescribing is safe, effective, and well-regarded with tangible benefits for stakeholders especially when supported and integrated into healthcare systems and ongoing education and training. Nurse prescribing can improve: Challenges encountered in nurse prescribing can include: BackgroundNurse prescribing has been implemented in several countries to increase access to medications,1 reduce medical staff workloads, and […]

Extra $440 million to support in-home aged care

The federal government has committed an extra $440 million to support more older Australians to stay at home, including expanding culturally appropriate aged-care services for First Nations people. The three-year investment, announced yesterday, adds to the Albanese Government’s 4.3 billion Support at Home package unveiled on 12 September. According to the government, demand for entry […]

Reducing emergency transfers from nursing homes

Despite recent reforms that have taken effect in Australian nursing homes, including the requirement for 24/7 registered nurse (RN) presence and mandated direct care minutes, high rates of transfers from nursing homes to emergency departments (ED) or hospitals persist. Background While some transfers may be necessary, expected, or unavoidable, transfers are occurring at rates far […]

Sacrificial burdens: Understanding overlooked fringe benefits implications

While non-financial benefits such as fringe benefits from employers can be appealing, it’s beneficial to understand some of the generally less considered aspects before making the decision that is right for you and your situation. While it might seem good sense to take advantage of these perks, often this can come at the expense of […]