Government initiatives to strengthen nursing workforce in primary care

Peak nursing bodies have welcomed initiatives to bolster the workforce in primary care, including the national program to increase student nursing placements in primary care. The federal government announced $4.2 million for the National Nurse Clinical Placements Program (NNCPP) in the 2023-24 Budget. Federal Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care Ged Kearney, a RN […]
Australia facing shortfall of over 70,000 nurses by 2035, report reveals

Australia is facing a shortage of more than 70,000 nurses by 2035, according to national projections revealed in the Department of Health and Aged Care’s Nursing Supply and Demand Study. The study used data collected between 2014 and 2022 to forecast the supply and demand for nurses over the next 12 years. The model split […]
Four in 10 aged care residents malnourished

Four in 10 Australian aged care residents are malnourished, a new study has revealed, prompting calls for a national screening program to identify those at highest risk. The first large-scale study examining malnutrition in nursing homes found 40% of residents were malnourished, with 6% categorised as severely malnourished. The results have prompted warnings from the […]