Q&A: A day in the life of an Organ Donation Specialist Nurse

Samantha Stones is a Donation Specialist Nurse at Western Health. She chatted to the ANMJ about her role in the lead up to annual DonateLife Week. What inspired you to become a Donation Specialist Nurse? I feel that I have lived a life that has been touched by organ donation. When I was younger, I […]
Still nursing at 83, Rosemary remains a staunch union member

Whenever registered nurse Rosemary Power gets the chance to share her wisdom with young nurses and midwives, her message is clear: join the union. “I’ve been a union person from day one,” she says proudly. “Whatever you do, join the union. Because when the chips are down, the union has got your back.” Born in […]
Why nurses and midwives need to get political

In the early days of her career, Juliane Samara often heard people suggest nurses shouldn’t engage in politics. She never shared the view.