Deep dive into aged care digital transformation

A recent webinar took a deep dive into how the aged care sector is faring in digital transformation – the challenges and enablers, including investment, digital maturity and capabilities, cybersecurity and workforce. Here are some insights from four leading experts. Hosted by Australian Ageing Agenda, the 90-minute webinar covered much ground, including the Aged Care […]

Continuous IV antibiotic infusion more effective at combatting adult sepsis

Changing the way commonly used antibiotics are given to adult patients with sepsis will save thousands of lives a year globally, according to research by the University of Queensland and The George Institute for Global Health A clinical trial and systematic review have shown that intravenously administering commonly used β-lactam antibiotics via continuous infusion – […]

New clinical care standard for heavy menstrual bleeding

Assistant Federal Health Minister Ged Kearney has urged women with heavy menstrual periods to seek help with a new menstrual bleeding clinical care standard released to support greater treatment options for women. “Heavy periods can seriously impact a woman’s quality of life. I know, I have had very personal experience of this, along with one […]