Leading with intention

As leaders we need to create experiences on purpose to influence change. What does this mean and how do we go about it? Natalie Dragon talks with midwife and health service improvement coach Jane Stanfield. Jane Stanfield argues it’s not outside anybody’s realm to influence. “It can be done within what you’re already doing but […]
Roster justice needed so workers can plan their lives

Unions have called for roster justice saying new proposals by employer groups for increased flexibility in awards will adversely impact women workers and carers. The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) used its reply submission on the work and care stream of the Fair Work Commission’s Modern Awards Review 2023-24 to call for roster justice […]
SA nurses and midwives petition for rural and remote incentives

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) South Australian Branch has launched a public petition calling for urgent rural and remote incentives for nurses and midwives to address the staff shortage that is putting regional country hospital services under threat of closure. The SA government reached an agreement with the ANMF SA Branch in 2022 […]
The Break Glass function in My Health Record: when and how to use it

There are certain urgent situations where health professionals can legally access restricted information in a My Health Record to lessen or prevent a serious threat to a person’s health. This is known as Emergency Access or the break glass function. While it is expected that it will be rarely required, it is important to understand […]