Back to Bangka: One woman’s journey to uncover the truth

Australian Army nurse Bud Elmes was excited, describing “the opportunity of a lifetime” being in Malaya, to her friends and family back home – only months before her brutal death in the waters off Radji Beach during WWII in one of the worst wartime massacres in history. Melbourne writer Georgina Banks’ search for the truth […]
Refugee Week 2023: Nurses making a difference

As a Refugee Health Nurse, Maria Loupetis provides a range of healthcare services for newly arrived people from refugee backgrounds, including some who have been here for longer but fallen through the healthcare cracks, as well as people seeking asylum, living across Melbourne’s Eastern suburbs. The nurse-led refugee clinic, run by EACH, provides the cohort […]
Nursing and midwifery tops Ahpra’s criminal prosecutions

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) has racked up its 100th criminal prosecution, with nursing and midwifery topping professions that have been involved in breaking the law the most. Ahpra’s first criminal prosecution was finalised in January 2014 when a West Australian woman was sentenced to a $20,000 fine for claiming to be a […]