Strength, will and knowledge: critical components for aged care nursing

When Gerardine (Ged) Kearney MP, now Assistant Minister for Health and Aged care, made her maiden speech in 2018, she had this to say about aged care: “While some enterprises in aged care are caring providers that struggle to stay afloat, too many are simply investors who cut costs and services to maintain profit. When […]
ANMF says RN 24/7 is critical to ensuring safe care for older Australians

The Government has revealed that almost 80% of the country’s aged care facilities have already meet 24/7 nursing requirements, with ‘another 9%’ close to meeting the nurse to patient ratio target. The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation said the Government had a plan to assist the remaining aged care facilities in the transition to meet […]
Nurse sounds a warning on hearing loss for COVID-19 patients

A registered nurse who experienced sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) five weeks after testing positive to COVID-19 has documented her experience to inform research into a little-known side effect of the virus. Kim Gibson, who was fully vaccinated at the time, developed acute hearing loss in one ear, along with vertigo and tinnitus several weeks […]