Supporting novice nurses in an Early Career Transition Program

The Supported Registered Nurse Program (SRNP) and Supported Enrolled Nurse Program (SENP) are six-month Early Career Transition Programs (ECTP) for registered and enrolled nurses who have not previously participated in or have not been accepted into a transition program. The program is closely aligned with the existing Transition to Professional Practice Program (TPPP) and aims […]
Cannula Conversations: An initiative to reduce bloodstream infections

With the aim to reduce the rate of peripheral intravenous catheter (PIVC) related bloodstream infections (BSIs) at the Townsville University Hospital, a six-month quality improvement activity was initiated through education, patient engagement, and surveillance. Healthcare-associated BSIs (HA-BSIs) have a significant burden on the healthcare system and are largely associated with increased risk of patient morbidity […]
The Aged Care Work Value Decision: What does it mean for you?

On 4 November 2022 the Fair Work Commission (FWC) handed down its decision on the ANMF and HSU’s applications to increase award wages for all employees working in residential aged care and home aged care. The unions sought an increase of 25% for all classifications. The FWC decided to grant an interim increase of 15% […]