Sexual orientation and gender identity – the question no one asks

Supporting equitable health outcomes in gender and sexually diverse people; how can we know if we don’t ask? Gender and sexually diverse (GSD) people, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual/agender, and other groups (LGBTQIA+) experience barriers accessing equitable healthcare. This population also faces unique risks and health issues due to social determinants of […]
Victorian large private aged care companies called in to stop resident violence against staff

A new report by RMIT University researchers has found the private residential aged care sector in Victoria lacks the knowledge and skills to prevent and reduce resident and resident family violence against staff. The report, Worrying about being at work, found 93% of respondents had experienced physical violence and 44% had been threatened with a […]
Fears COVID interruptions could alienate students and grads from the workforce

Fears COVID interruptions could alienate students and grads from the workforce