Acting on climate change demands political change

As the largest, and among the most trusted workforce group,1,2 nurses and midwives are an extremely powerful and influential group, who are critical to achieving the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda and 17 Goals for Sustainable Development.3 When mobilised, collective action by such a large segment of the population can drive monumental change at all levels […]
Meet Sye Hodgman, the QNMU’s First Nations Strategy, Policy and Research Officer

For Sye Hodgman, a Trawlwoolway Palawa-Pakana nurse, his direct engagement with the Queensland Nurses and Midwives Union’s (QNMU ANMF QLD Branch) First Nations Branch means advocating for workplaces that allow Queensland’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurses and midwives to thrive. “My main role is to identify areas, based on conversations I’m having with our […]