National Asthma Week 2021 – Time to think about “Air Nutrition”

Australians are being encouraged to learn about Air Nutrition during Asthma Week, which runs from 1-7 September, in a new campaign launched by Asthma Australia and peak health and climate bodies. “Air Nutrition – you are what you breathe” encourages people to think differently about what they are breathing in and take simple steps to […]
Survey to prevent sexual violence and action support in universities

A national Student Safety Survey has commenced across all Australian universities to help prevent sexual violence and support those who have experienced it in their communities. The survey will collect data on the scale and nature of university student experiences of sexual assault and sexual harassment. The findings from the research will build on the […]
The ‘Every Nurse’s Business’ free online CPD program is now open

Research shows people with intellectual disability (ID) and/or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are at higher risk of developing a range of chronic and complex health conditions. They are also less likely to receive quality inclusive care across settings such as hospitals and primary care. To improve access to healthcare and outcomes for people with ID […]