Professional and Selfless: A personal account on the value of nurses

It was an ICU nurse who found me, curled around a comedically bent street sign, unconscious and not breathing. I didn’t have long to live. My eyes were open but blank, my face split in two, my neck and back broken. A fellow racer, another cyclist found me. That skilled, courageous nurse opened my airway […]
Mandated minimum staffing levels and skills mix key to delivering quality aged care, new paper argues

In a new paper, my colleagues Annie Butler (ANMF Federal Secretary) and Casey Marnie from the Federal Office Research Unit and I argue that mandated minimum staffing levels and skills mix are the foundation for delivering safe, quality care in nursing homes. While other factors such as increased education and training are important, providing quality […]
How to climb the nursing career ladder

“As nurses, we can underestimate just how versatile and transferable our skills are and how much we know about the healthcare system,” says Kathryn Riddell, Chief Nursing Officer at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne. “You’ve got to be open to new opportunities and committed to continue to learn both formally and informally. When I talk to […]