‘Where does the money go?’: Professor Joseph Ibrahim questions use of government funding in aged care

“I don’t think anyone really knows,” responded leading aged care reform advocate Professor Joseph Ibrahim when asked how billions of dollars of federal government funding for aged care is actually spent on Monday night’s episode of ABC’s The Drum. “What we do know is that some providers make massive profits. Other providers are claiming that […]
About to graduate? AHPRA has created a quick guide with tips on how to apply for registration

About to graduate? AHPRA has created a quick guide with tips on how to apply for registration
Researchers call for greater mental health support for aged care workers amid COVID-19 pandemic

With more than 1,700 confirmed cases of COVID within the state’s workforce and 163 outbreaks since the start of the year, the demands on the Victoria’s aged care sector have never been greater. According to the co-author of a recent op-ed published by the University of Melbourne that calls for a “psychological version of PPE” […]