Coronavirus and breastfeeding: Researchers clarify the facts

Information to help midwives, doctors and other health professionals support breastfeeding mothers by outlining the known facts during the COVID-19 virus crisis has been put together by the University of Western Australia’s (UWA) lactation research team. Project lead UWA Senior Research Fellow Melinda Boss from the UWA Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences and the […]
Community needs to be more involved in COVID-19 response says CATSINaM CEO

The CEO of Australia’s peak Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nursing and midwifery organisation has used Close the Gap Day to call for the needs of First Nations peoples’ to be more greatly emphasised during the COVID-19 pandemic. Speaking to the ANMJ, the Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives’ (CATSINaM) CEO […]