Pill testing at music festivals could reduce harm for first-time users the most

The introduction of pill testing at music festivals is likely to be more effective in reducing harm among people trying ecstasy for the first time than experienced users, new research from Edith Cowan University (ECU) has revealed. The study also found regular ecstasy users do not have a better level of knowledge than novices regarding […]
Women face $80,000 deficit in retirement savings

While its known that retirement savings differs between men and women, a new study has shown the ‘gender pay gap’ begins from the first days of employment. Detrimentally , women face a deficit of more than $80,000 that they fail to recoup towards the end of their careers. Research Lead, Monash Business School’s Dr Carly […]
10 tips to effective mentorship

Mentoring has proven to be a successful way of facilitating the professional growth and development of recently graduated nurses and other nurses transitioning to a new role. So what makes a good mentor? A willingness to give your time, an ability to connect with the person and to recognise your own limitations, says Professor Marion […]